Registration guide

국비지원 프로그램 수강신청
Registration the program on government scholarship
①거주지관할 고용센터에서 나에게 맞는 지원 방법 상담 받기
②학원에 방문하여 교육 프로그램에 대한 상담받기
③프로그램을 학원에 가등록 신청
④내일배움카드 발급받기
⑤발급완료 후 학원에 방문하여 정식 등록
*근로자 계좌제
①근로자 직업능력개발카드발급신청(온라인/오프라인)
②근로자 직업능력개발카드 발급(고용센터 문의)
④훈련과정 문의 및 수강신청(고양커피학원으로문의)
⑤훈련과정수강(총 훈련비용 중 본인부담금액만 결제)
2.일반 과정
①학원에 내방하여 나에게 알맞은 프로그램을 상담받은 후 선택
[ 고양커피학원 유선 문의 : 031) 904 -1078 ]
1. Individual training account
① Get counseling about which support method suits oneself at residence's Employment Security Center
② Visit the institute and get consult about the education program
③ Do provisional registration for the program at the institute
④ Get 'Neilbeum-card' (On-going learning card)
⑤ After issuing the card, visit the institute and do regular reservation
*Worker account
① Apply for worker occupation ability development card issue (On/off-line)
② Issue worker occupation ability development card (Inquire Employment Security Center)
③ Search the training process (HRD-NET)
④ Inquire the training process and the registration (Inquire Goyang coffee institute)
⑤ Take the training process (Only pay for the one's sharing of the total training price)
2. General Course
① Visit the institute and after getting counseling about which program suits oneself, choose a program.
② Register
③ Beginning of the course